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Old 08-30-2011, 08:19 AM
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Over My Dead Body (2x12): Episode Discussion

episode discussion thread

2x12: Over My Dead Body
Aug. 30, 2011 @ 8:00 p.m. Eastern

Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer have made a crucial mistake - they told someone about "A" and now they must pay the price. With the clock ticking and "A" calling the shots, the girls are sent on missions to do "A's" bidding in order to save their trusted confidant. Each mission will ultimately lead to what the four liars want the most, but at a costly price to their loved ones and themselves. Can Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer go through with their given tasks in order to save one, or will they ignore "A" to save those around them from being hurt? And ultimately, will this matter when all is said and done? Nothing is ever as it seems in Rosewood, PA




1. Since some people may not be a fan of your certain ship,
try not to insult other ships, just stick to the one
you like and be positive, please. Let's remember to show
our fellow posters some respect, thanks. :]
2. We know you won't like everything about the episode
but try and be constructive when you are critiquing something,
don't just say 'GOD THIS SUCKED'.
3. No talk of illegal downloading, asking or commenting about it.
Any posts with that topic will be deleted.
4. Remember, everything is a spoiler until
the show airs Eastern time in the USA.
5. Thank you, and enjoy the episode!
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