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Old 08-23-2011, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by TeresaDoherty (View Post)
That last gif = Freddie keeps his hands on her hips = heart palpitations. He's sending the message loud and clear, folks — Sam is HIS, so hands off!

Now my imagination is running off. I hope, sometime after the iOMG arc is over, if when Sam and Freddie are still dating, we get to see Freddie being possessive/protective of Sam.
I actually disagree with this. I would hate seeing Freddie being possessive, because Sam doesn't belong to Freddie and i hate when men act possessive, because they act like they own a woman and is the one to dictate who, what, when, where with a woman's life. I hate that. And also, Sam is plenty independent and can definitely take care of herself.

It annoys me when people say things like that with Freddie being "manly" and "protecting" Sam when she is plenty able to take care of herself. She has taken down grown men, and i don't see why it would be any different when she's with Freddie.

I would actually like to see Sam protect Freddie once or twice, or at least stand up for him, and turn her strength on someone else for Freddie. I think it would really show how much she loves him if she got up in someone's face for picking on Freddie or bullying him or something like that and her saying "Mama is the only one allowed to pick on Fredlumps" or something like that. I think that would be awesome to see.
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