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Old 08-23-2011, 09:39 AM
Nikki K
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Here is the link to the book: Alexandre Dumas - "Celebrated Crimes of the Borgias"

And yes, I agree. As I said, I mainly skimmed through it... some things were just a bit too lengthy in terms of the Medici did this, the Sforzas did that, the Orsinis opposed something else.

I found the beginning interesting, describing that Roderigo was perfectly happy in Spain with no ambitions until his uncle Pope Calixtus III. made him a cardinal and order him to Rome. Again, I wish there would have been some citations. I mean it's not like he doesn't cite any contemporary sources at all but... sometimes he puts a lot of judgement in his text and it's not quite clear where it's coming from.
Happy thoughts,

You might want to rethink marrying the lines "Kids are dead! Kids are dead!" ("Happy days are here again.").
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