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Old 08-21-2011, 08:57 AM
Sweet Embrace
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Originally Posted by Lost in Translation (View Post)
They need to learn to keep their cool, though. I mean in hockey (I know it's different) MaxPac lost his season, was concussed and had a broken vertebra because he was shoved into a stanchion. I maintain it was a dirty hit in retaliation for something Max Paccioretti did in a previous game. [/habs stanning]
Everyone loses their cool, and I once flipped out because of some people hissing at us outside the tennis court, but I think for professionals they have to react and let go, not let it get out of hand. But there is also the argument that the umpire are too harsh on players these days. I guess hockey is a lot different as they get into full out brawls and stuff.

"Growing old will suck, but as long as I have you, I will feel invincible."
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