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Old 08-20-2011, 12:42 PM
Obsessed Fan
Joined: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Matt, It's not a show that I would tell you that you had to watch. I am enjoying it because I really like the main character...her personality and her acting. I enjoy the storylines/cases...really clever and interesting.'s not a show that I would tell a guy to watch.
That was part of my many questions, you answered it, thanks. For me it's also not a show I have to watch, maybe I'll check it out someday, but I'll try to have a backup list with shows I could give a chance if I would like to watch something new. I'm a huge Gilmore Girls fan and I'm really into drama, I prefer drama over action, mystery and sci-fi - so I'm a bit of a girly guy.

Yeah, what happened with today. Only 2 shows watched, now I finally get some Wilfred and Shameless or Scoundrels. And I'll check out the new ABC Family show called The Lying Game. It's about twins who were adopted right after birth, but now meet when they are teens and switch roles and of course their lives were total opposits, it sounds a lot like Switched At Birth, I say what the heck, why not give it a try, it's summer. I've heard that it's like a light version of PLL, cos it's from the same creator, Sara Shepard, I only read that both shows are not so much different. And I'll start Breaking Bad Season 3 on Monday I hope, first I have to finish Scoundrels. Believe it or not, but tomorrow it's been exactly one year since I finished season 2 - how can I do that? Even pregnant Hilary Duff is watching Breaking Bad, I'm a horrible person, I can't wait. And I have to tell you that I will watch FNL S4 maybe end of year (in the winter break of fall season), that's the earlies I can watch it, the guy I'm watching with didn't want to watch it atm, so we said maybe then we could watch. I think a break can't hurt, I watched the first 3 seasons within 4 months. And some other stuff I don't know yet about.
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