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Old 08-06-2005, 02:19 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 1,320
Yeah, got FreeView so no Living TV so no JoA speak.

Ah, Kate Bosworth...I was wondering who it was.

As far as shipping goes: I can take or leave Sether. I actually really liked Seth/Alex when it was first introduced, I thought the whole learning to punch thing was sweet, but it went downhill from there.... And I did ship Seth/Anna for a while but Seth became so jerk-like and horrible that I wished Anna better for herself. Summer/Zack was OK at first, it was kinda sweet....until she started jerking him about. So, yeah, Sether can be together, they kinda deserve each other IMO.
Ron/Hermione - Chloe/Lex - Veronica/Weevil - Mac/Beaver - Angel/Cordy
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