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Old 08-06-2011, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by mackayfire (View Post)
Hey guys! No new spoilers? Oh well! I was remembering today how Kevin Williamson said in an interview how Jenna basically died because he didn't know where to go with her character. This gives me hope that they'll kill Matt off for the same reason after this season lol.
I'm sorry but that made me laugh!!

I know I've said this before but I truly think worrying about small comments such as KW's takes away your enjoyment of the show. I know sometimes it's hard not to worry, especially during the crappy hiatus but I think it's best just to sit back and enjoy the ride. Like you guys have said we won't know how it all plays out until we actually see it. Most of the time it sounds worse when you read it and then it plays out on the screen and you're kind of like 'oh that's kind of alright'

I think small spoilers like that can get the best of you. BUT you have to remember the positives far outweigh the negatives. If something like that comes out again just think of all the TC stuff that we have got along the way. I think we need to remember that one Matt mention shouldn't cross out ALL the TC stuff we have got. Where there is one Matt mention there will always be 10 TC mentions.


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