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Old 07-31-2011, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by HappilyShort (View Post)
I am. I won't deny that I think Peter has been a grade A idiot, but I would really love to see the show spend a bit more time on trying to work out their marriage than throwing Alicia with Will at the first opportunity. My fingers and toes are definitely crossed that the Kings will take some time this season to help/try to put A/P back together.
Would you marry me?? Yup totally with you I think Peter ****ed this up very badly, but I do wish the Kings would spend more time working on their marriage and seeing if things could be rebuild. They have so much great potential and chemistry and you know they were great once. I am keeping my fingers crossed as well

I really hope you still around, is lonely here in this thread! What is your favorite A/P moment?
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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