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Old 07-29-2011, 03:26 PM
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lol if its a phone number then its a gift too

lol and yeah mother and daughter relationships are often difficult. my mum hates chaos. and well in the past, i was not perfect child.. i loved chaos you know. and my mum well was there often angry with me,, to often.. for her i was a totally bitch

believe me our fights were really i had to often the feeling to do everything wrong.. so almost so what serena is thinking there from her mum.. almost..
serena thinks that lily would never be proud on her. and that everything what she does is wrong and wrong.. and well, so i had often the feeling with me and my mum too..

and yeah some people thinking that there on some filming pics that there is rufus on the steps with ivy. but i dont think so.

well and i would prever if rufly would change maybe the sides this season. i mean.. rufus should be more sucessful with his new job and everything and get many new fans. and our lily should be more the outsider. no that is not wrong.. i mean she should searching herself true friends and not this rich *******s you know..
and she should searching herself a really hobby.
Rufly, Chair Han and Leia Mary and MatthewMulder and Scully, Johnica
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