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Old 07-28-2011, 03:34 AM
Nothing Else Matters
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Originally Posted by Jidsy <3 (View Post)
^your icon is sooo cute

SERIOUSLY. Its so true. I love FNL to bits and I love that they try to keep this sense of realism but I feel like on any other show, Tim/Lyla would have had a happy ending. Plus, realistically, I actually do think they would have had a huge chance at succeeding. Just watching their interactions in s3 in particular, they just had this wonderful balance to them, there was so much give and take with them and ultimately, you can tell that they'd do anything to make their relationship work.

I absolutely loved the little moment in their 'ILY' scene where Lyla was all, go out and party and he says how he's happy just hanging out with his gal because it rang SO true to life for me. Its such a cute and oh so realistic moment and even though their ILY's come out in that scene, even with such a gesture, you can tell how much he cares and loves her. I mean, its party animal Tim! Chilling at home with his gf rather than going out and getting wasted. I love that
IMO, they would have worked out in the end. They definitely had a better chance than the couple that cheated on each other non-stop and fought all the time. That never once looked in love or really even happy with each other. Besides the issues over their future their relationship was pretty much together. They were honest with each other and they were friends. They leaned on each other and supported each other. They loved one another and didn't disrespect each other. They had a very adult relationship for high school. They already had the angst and drama in s1 and s2. By the time they got together they knew each other so well. Plus they were madly in love. It may have taken them a long time to get together but when they finally did they just fit. Tim had never been the boyfriend type but somehow he was able to figure it all out because he was with Lyla. Tim wanted to be that guy for her. Just like Lyla wasn't the same with Tim as she was with Jason. She wasn't needy or clingy. She was independent but still able rely on her boyfriend. Both of them made sacrifices for each other and they truly were happy. To me they were the most content and happy together.

Watching the s3 finale kinda makes me wish it was the series finale, esp for Tim since Billy's speech at the end to him was so heartwarming. You wanted him to make a life for himself and put himself through college so much. But GAH, they had to bring him back with barely anything to do, drop out of college and go to jail!? So sad.

PS you can call me Jiadi
After the season 1 finale, s3 has to be the best one. Those two finales left the show on the best note. Things weren't perfect but it made sense.
Originally Posted by cheldax46 (View Post)
The thing that gets me is, yes, FNL is easily one of the most realistic shows I've ever watched, but it isn't real life. As I said many times in the s&s discussing Tim's development, pretty much everyone else on the show got their happy ending, no matter how unrealistic it was. Julie and Matt got engaged, Tyra got into UT, Smash got a football scholarship to A&M, Jason got a family and a great job, Jess got the chance to someday be a female football coach, Vince got off the streets and made something of himself through football, Luke didn't get to play college ball but was last seen happy with the girl he wanted since the day they met, Tami got to finally have her career come first etc etc. What did Tim get? No education, no career, no path in life at all but he did get a year in prison and the ex-girlfriend he broke up with years ago as a consolation prize because the girl of his dreams disappeared into thin air and apparently stopped caring about him. And I'm sorry, he wasn't any better off in the finale. He still had no job or money or any future, just brother helping him to begin building a house. Which would probably burn down anyway, given his luck.
When you put it like that...

i really hate how the chop shop sl downright ruined Billy as a character for me. He was always an irresponsible buffoon but in s1-3 he really did care about Tim having a better life than he did. And even he got a better ending by becoming a coach for the panthers.
Everybody got their happy ending except for Tim and (Landry/Lyla too.)

Landry and Lyla were screwed over so other things could work.

The reason why I say Lyla is because she went off to school, that is it. The writers never even once said what she wanted to do or if she had plans after school. No real significant mention in season 5. It was as if she never existed.

this long post needs some pretty.

you missed me.
you have no idea.

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