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Old 07-23-2011, 02:51 PM
chaos blues
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Joined: Jun 2008
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i still feel like the neal/sara storyline is being forced upon me, like i'm supposed to like it. i don't like that.. i still find it unrealistic that neal forgot about kate so fast and that they became kinda steady after he kissed another woman in the s2 finale... at the beginning of the season it seemed like she was only there to keep neal entertained. she didn't really have a sl or any other purpose whatsoever. don't get me wrong, i don't actually mind their scenes or her as a charater i actually enjoy some of her scenes, she's feisty! but i find it hard to believe that neal would consider giving up everything for her... and now she was the one to discover his secret, yes, right. to me it seems the authors desperately try to give her character a right to be there, as a main character, but they forgot to make it believable and i don't think in a million years that either mozzie or neal would be so careless!!

soo enough rant for now.
love too big for a love song
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