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Old 07-21-2011, 12:17 PM
Will's Girl
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Nene! We've been missing your books posts!

Nene, always a pleasure to see you posting..and you can even make it a novel!
Thanks Em and Chris!
Aargh, that scene still has the ability to gut me even now!
Me too. Just a miserable awkward moment, for both of them but especially for Will. My heart broke for him a little bit there.
I love the upcoming sex optimism here

Also: what do you think moved Will to make his move now: just knowing that she's separated from Kalinda? Or maybe Alicia asked about Tammy because at that point she already told Will and wanted to know where was he standing with his relationship? Ok. Complicated question.
I think it was a combination of Kinda telling him about A/P's separation and all of the signals Alicia was sending that she was opening up to him and might be willing to take that step now. Before Getting Off, Alicia was still distant, in fact she actually told Tammy and told Will she told Tammy there was nothing between them anymore. I think at that moment they were as far apart as they ever have been. Then suddenly she's staring at (perving on) him and letting him know she wants to talk, and touching him on the arm, and telling him herself that her and Peter are having troubles that are 'a long time coming.' etc. I think his relationship with Tammy was reaching a crisis stage and he just decided to give it one last try before he settled for Tammy and she was open to it and let it happen.
And you're right about Alicia being on stage with Peter, I expect that to happen too.
I dunno. P/A haven't seen each other since the very acrimonious screaming match in the hallway of Alicia's apartment building when Peter said 'Good-bye.' I'm not sure how you go from that to her showing up at his press conference. I think she won't be there and everyone will be asking him why she's not there and he'll probably use the excuse that she's busy at work and couldn't be there...either way, I think it will make for an intersting scenario (the awkwardness of her being at the PC even though they're not together anymore vs the awkwardness of Peter having to explain her absence. Either would be very interesting to watch.
But I'm really looking forward to the "Will and Alicia against the world" situation that is probably going to happen next season.
yeah, I love the possibility of the us against the world situation. I just want to see Alicia be there for Will the way he has been therre for her when she's needed him over the past two seasons. Time for Alicia to show the same loyalty to Will when the chips are down...

That's beautiful Sabrina! Thanks for sharing that! There's been far too little W/A fanfic lately...

Will: No, you know what? I'm not just dropping this. You wanna know my plan? My plan is I love you, okay? I've probably loved you ever since Georgetown. So phone me. I'll meet you anywhere and we will make a plan. Avatar by Karen

Last edited by Will's Girl; 07-21-2011 at 12:25 PM
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