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Old 07-21-2011, 06:52 AM
Obsessed Fan

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Joined: Apr 2011
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You really should! B/c most of you have unrealistic expectations about the relationship, the way they will get there, the speed and what they will show us And I truly believe that's why some of you get depressed everytime something isn't going the way you think it should go. Lower your expectations, keep in mind it's a televisionshow that has it's own format of storytelling and put your fantasies aside when watching just go with the flow of the story! And I assure you, you won't be disappointed anymore
My expectations are not high, but still want to get some A&W moments ...

I think we'll see A/W leave the PS, maybe Alicia alone, and see her go home. I also think we'll see her up on stage with Peter when he starts his job as SA. And some awkward moments at the office. That's reality but I definitely hope we get some nicer and more romantic moments than that...
I would tend to think the same as you. That's why I want some tiny bit of W&A. The first half of season 2 has been so sad

Sophia ... I was thinking I had so little expectations (but I agree many wishes). Gosh, I'm going to feel depressed soon
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