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Old 07-16-2011, 04:32 PM
Master Fan

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Zach was planning a party for Noah at Kristen's place. Noah didn't want too many other dogs at his territory. So the guests only were with Hayden, Greg, Sendhil, and Sophia. Right away there was presents with all treats of chocolate covered hearts. A loud popping fart rang from behind Zach, turning around he saw Noah next to Sadie eating Kristen's keys. Yelling and breaking out of the room, Greg held Kristen's hand, while Zach pulled on Noah's ears gently, and reached for a treat. Down went the treat into the garbage, Zach quickly grabbed the collar of Shakey, table leading the crowd to see the awesome cartwheel and handspring by Kristen. Joining the fun, Greg decided to find a game for betting on. He took out a tape of his band at New York where there was a squirrel trying to take the mic. Noah was intrigued by how many times the squirrel managed to pass the tree on his side of the park. He never stopped to take pictures when the squirrel started to scurry around to kristen who had brought snacks. He purposefully started to eat all the garbage in the can but Zach stopped him. On the other hand, Sendhil couldn't let Sophia take the credit for all the hard work he had done getting Jack to come. However, once Jack realized he was invited, he called Zach and said "I'm coming. Don't start the next game until Kristen sings the song about her dogs. I will be there soon." After a few drinks, things got interesting. There was a huge blast of smoke from the backyard where the grill had sausage burning up. "Holy christ! There's a marble bust on the lawn! How odd is it that whenever Zach is here

"If I hadn't gone into acting, I would be a horsetrainer or a tunnel digger...or a swan"

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