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Old 07-05-2011, 02:08 PM
Absolute Fan

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Rochellena, I know I've read it! I know so!
ETA: Ohh you found it, yay for that!!

LOL my sis was just watching GG -season 1- and my mum was giving her opinion on the characters and she's totally a Dair shipper! I mean, she said Penn was the cutest -which made me smile more than it's "normal" to for such a thing, because she's always saying that Pacey isn't good looking when we tell her that we like him!-, and that he should be with a brunette, so... totally Dairing, even if she doesn't really know it!
She also said Chuck looks evil or something like that, and she liked Nate -my sis always says he looks like a pretty girl so she wasn't okay with this-.

His hair and Penn in general are I don't think B would mind either!
{ I always say the wrong thing
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