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Old 07-02-2011, 01:43 PM
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Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 70,414

"Naomily meant so much to so many people" - Ann-Marie Cook
"The Naomily thing" - Dakota Blue Richards
"How much FUN they had together" - HH
"Skins has created my favorite queer characters ever" - HH
"They were passion and they were despair" - Afterellen
Naomily Always Openly Mention I Love You
Naomily Are Obviously Massively In Love, Yeah
B/C they are the incomparible and dynamicaly compatible couple
We can talk Naomily till the donkey's hind leg falls off
"Portrayed something in an honest way and was the first thing of its kind, really" - Kat
B/C even reality tv stars and bands ship Naomily!
B/C they bring romance to anything. Even shampoo bottles!
B/C we saw their love endure.
One day I'm cold, the next day you're the one I hold, I'm not easy.
"I can't stand it. I can't."
"When I'm with you ... I feel happier, less alone."
"You're very stalkable."
"I want Naomi."
"You can be my pyjamas."
"Stay alive...I will find you."
"I loved you the first time I saw you. I think I was 12."
"I love you. I love you so much it's killing me."
"From now on, wherever you go, I go. And vice versa."
"I love you, girl"
"Put the props down and just be yourself" - Naomi
B/C they love MDMA kisses
B/C they love bouncy castle kisses
B/C they love locker kisses
B/C they love stomach kisses
B/C they love mexican kisses
B/C they love angry kisses
You are the hope that keeps me're everything.
I know you're worth it. I still believe, It's you and me to the end of time.
How I know your face, all the ways you move, I can read you.
When I open my eyes, you are what I wanted to see.

#1 | Emily, 402

Naomi: I love you.
Emily: Yeah, I know.
Naomi: Don't forget it, though.
#2 | Emily, 402

Emily: I'm moving in ... I need to, okay?
Naomi: Okay.
Emily: Okay?
Naomi: Okay! Although, in many ways, it's sort of a violation. But fck it, it's okay.
Emily: Really?
Naomi: Really. It'll be great! You can be my pyjamas.
#3 | Emily, 402

Naomi: Fck it! If it's rubbish, we'll just go back to ours.
Emily: ... Where?
Naomi: Ours.
#4 | Emily, 402

Emily: You've ruined it. You don't want anyone to care. We could be dead in a
second. Everything's so fragile. Didn't you realize that? We were special.
#5 | Cook, 403

Naomi: I love someone.
#6 | Katie, 404

Emily: Naomi, darling, got any of your special powder?
Naomi: Don't, Ems.
Emily: Where's Cook when you need him? Somebody find some more pills.
Naomi: Another fun day at Mrs. and Mrs. Campbell's.
#7 | Katie, 404

'Cause all these things are running 'round my head;
Catch them, hold them, stop them in your hands,
'Cause all these things are running 'round my head.
#8 | Everyone, 408

Naomi: You wanna do breakfast? I can fry you, poach you, scramble
you; do you any way you like.
#9 | Everyone, 408

Emily: I love you.
#10 | Everyone, 408

Naomi: Really, I'd die for you. I love you. I love you so much it's killing me.

You stole it from me
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