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Old 06-29-2011, 05:15 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jun 2011
Posts: 218
Originally Posted by dirtydiana (View Post)
Look at the positives though. He loves live performing, and at these concerts there will be up to 20K people. Most of them likely wont be fans of him so it will be a great place to see which of his songs appeal most to the general audience, and then he can take that knowledge and hopefully create a stronger album in the future.
Also, it is the only time some of us will get to see him perform in the near future; my dream is to see him on Broadway but that will be years from now. He is so much better than an opener on a boy band tour. However, there are actually quite a few fans of his who are very excited to see NKOTBSB too. I'm looking forward to seeing him but will probably leave after his part is over.
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