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Old 06-27-2011, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by sofiab (View Post)
They’re meant to be no matter the universe or the version, right?

Who said that Peter doesn’t exist because the two Walters met?

Peter doesn’t exist because of the decision he took after seeing the future. He sacrificed his existence to prevent that future from happening; if he didn’t exist those people could never take the decisions they did, so the outcome of their lives would be different.
That's right.

No one, I'm just saying that future Walter told future Peter they didn't know what the cost would be, not that he would no longer exist. So I'm just trying to figure out why the consequence was that once he got the two Walters together he vanished.

Regarding the Anna video:

I agree with what everyone is saying. I don't get why Anna would be slamming the relationship especially now. I think presenting any negative feelings towards Peter and Olivia's relationship isn't wise for the show. It certainly doesn't rally the fans for S4. And I agree with blueaeryn, they may not like it (and why I have NO IDEA because it's beautiful), but they have to face reality that it's what most of the fans love about the show and why they support it so strongly. Thankfully I feel the writers understand this since they are the ones who created the relationship in the first place.

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