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Old 06-27-2011, 04:26 AM
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Thank you for starting, Claire

Originally Posted by Emsea (View Post)
I brought this over from the other thread because I didn't get a chance to reply yesterday. It would be interesting if Peter was still over in the Red universe and Blue Peter lived. What if Olivia was involved with Blue Peter and Peter was involved with Alt Liv....but when both Olivia and Peter met again for the first time, they both knew that they were the ones suppose to be together. It would put a different spin on the whole destiny thing. Two people from two different universes. Of course I don't want them to be in other relationships tho, even if it technically is the same person.

I'm still trying to figure out why does Peter no longer exist as a result of the Walters meeting each other. It still makes no sense to me. Does anyone understand that part?
They’re meant to be no matter the universe or the version, right?

Who said that Peter doesn’t exist because the two Walters met?

Peter doesn’t exist because of the decision he took after seeing the future. He sacrificed his existence to prevent that future from happening; if he didn’t exist those people could never take the decisions they did, so the outcome of their lives would be different.

If you want to just see this. I swear, I hope they have lots of PO scenes, no matter in which reality or universe just to annoy these two and make them deliver beautiful scenes despite being against PO being together

Now talking rationally, why do you think they don’t like PO? I’ll admit there were maybe two or three scenes that now looking back were a bit OTT and embarrassing, but all in all I think they’ve dealt so well with building this relationship.
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