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Old 06-19-2011, 06:40 PM
Moonless Night
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{ Rob Kristen }
A R e a l Life Fairytale

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touching hearts e v e r y w h e r e ;
"Where love is, no room is too small."
- Talmud
Baby can’t believe you were sent to me
Like a postcard for my memory
This moment’s all that i can see
love b r i n g s these two souls t o g e t h e r;
Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other,
each is enriched by the other.

Felix Adler

- - - "There's just something so unique and sweet about Rob/Kristen's relationship.
It's always so subtle, yet so obvious from how they look at each other and the
brief touches in public that they care so deeply for each another. And no matter how
hard people try to write off that connection between them, it's so undeniable.
I also love how that despite how busy they are (Rob’s schedule, particularly, is
super crazy), they always make time to see each other - to the point of flying thousand
of miles away just to see each other even for a short while. And how they sneak off
to spend some quality time away from the craziness. And how despite girls throwing themselves
at him left and right, Rob only wants to be with her at the end of the day. Most of all, I adore
the fact that they always light up whenever they see each other – it's like this spark goes off in
their eyes and it's only just the two of them in the room." By: ~-Sarah-~

- - - "I think RK has a chemistry that to me is off the charts undeniable. What i like most
about is that they are very down to earth people, that it fame has not changed either one of them
and the have remain themselves through out this and manage to find each other in the process.
They keep each other grounded because they are nsync on how this business works and yet they
never lost themselves nor will allow their ou can relationship get lost in it as well. I am happy that
RK found each other because I think they are really fit together with awesome chemistry that you
really can't deny any time they are together. You can see it as they work together and when they
are around each other, it's just something you can't deny." By: True Daisy Lover
- - - "The chemistry between Rob and Kristen is undeniable. The thought of something more
between them was there since the begginig. I fell in love with them the moment I saw Twilight for the
first time. To this day, I can say their love story is one of the most beautiful out there because of their
journey to finally be together and for the fact that they’re not the typical Hollywood couple, instead,
they keep their relationship private and that shows how much they value it. I love them because they
make me believe in true love and they’re the real proof of it. Every look, every kiss, every hug, every smile,
every moment they’re together is like magic. I just want to say I wish them the best for the future,
individually and together. They’re a pair full of talent and gorgeousness. They make me smile and they’ve
brought me to meet awesome people in this thread. I am thankful for that." By: violet wings
- - - "Dear Rob and Kristen; I have so many things I want to say to the both of you, but more than
anything I want to say ‘thank you’. Thank you for being who you are, thank you for never giving in to
what the world wants from you, thank you for protecting what’s most important – each other. Thank
you for the small moments that you give us to show how immense your love is, thank you for supporting
and adoring each other, thank you for giving us a reason to believe in true love, epic love, undeniable love.
Thank you both for following your hearts always. Unfaltering, unwavering support, Me. XOXOXO"
By: Moonless Night
- - - "Why I like Rob and Kris? They make each other happy. And seeing them happy makes me happy. It also gives me
hope. I believe that some things are meant to be. And to me Rob and Kris are one of those things.
Their journey was anything but easy but the fact that they decided to take the chance and that they are
making it work is simply heartwarming. They have a lot of things in common but they also compliment
each other. As cliché as it may sound, to me they are a perfect match." By: carly-hope
- - - "I love them as a couple because their chemistry makes others yearn for the same with someone.
I love that they aren't afraid to admit to that chemistry! The fact that they don't conform to how
others think they should act makes me admire them and also shows their commitment to be true
to themselves first. Plus they are just so totally smoking hot!!!" By: lunalu
- - - "Rob and Kristen, one year ago I wished for you resilience in order to cope with haters and misleading media articles…
I guess you don’t need my protection and shielding wishes anymore, you have proved to the world that
you deeply love each other in your own, unique way…I despise shallow, regular celebrities, but you, with
your authenticity, your fierce devotion for your ideals, your wishes to be always better in every new
endeavor you get into; always makes me wish for you a world of happiness, I have no doubts you
are each other’s twin flames and I always hope for you many blessings in your shared path…
long live RK." -By: flower fairy

"At the touch of love
e v e r y o n e becomes a p o e t. "

- Plato

“Once in a w h i l e,
right in the middle of an ordinary l i f e,
love gives us a f a i r y t a l e.”

Once upon a time, in a land not-so-far-away there was a deliciously handsome young man, and a beautiful
girl with big, green eyes as wide as the moon. Fate brought them together from thousands of miles apart,
and from the first time they met they knew that their hearts had always been entwined. Many people
(consumed with jealousy) conspired to keep them apart, but the love between the boy and the girl was
too strong to deny. And although they live in a cynical land full of villains, they hold tight and find
strength in each other. The love between them inspires all in the land, and allows us to believe that
someday life will give us a fairytale of our own. No one knows what the future holds, but we have a feeling
it ends with a.....happily ever after.

“You might say this is a fairytale where the boy finds his princess, then takes it from there…”

Click here for the rest of the icons

Layout: living destiny
Arts: hearts that kill, Mrs.EvilSpawn, NessaBruin,
carly-hope, ~-Sarah-~, various Tumblr arts
Special Thanks To: All of the Posters on the
Rob&Kristen Thread
When the lights go off,
When the cameras stop rolling,
When the world holds still,
We will still have each other

because this veil it has been lifted, yes...
my eyes are wet with clarity
"it's you, peyton."
emma » icon | tumblr
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