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Old 06-09-2011, 12:32 AM
Fan Forum Hero

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Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 58,326
1. Best triology ever - enough said!
2. Because there are dwarves, hobbits, elfes and wizards (among others)
3. Because Gondor men are HOT!
4. Doesn't matter who you're talking to, every person will love something about it.
5. Action, romance, drama, comedy, suspense... there's something in it for everyone.
6. Because this is the best cast EVER
7. Because the soundtrack is as epic as the movies
8. Because they have the best friendships.
9. Because it teaches you about courage and compassion.
10. Even after watching it ten times it just gets better
11. Because the movies are as good as the books.
12. Because J. R. R. Tolkien created a whole new world for us to discover
13. Because we all would love to be a part of the fellowship
14. Because Peter Jackson made our dream come true
15. Against all odds, good conquers evil.
16. Because New Zealand is Middle Earth
17. Because they made us ship the weirdest things
18. Because once you've fallen in love with the story, you can't stop talking about it
19. Because if LOTR is on tv nothing else counts
20. Because there's even a Lord of the Rings musical
21. Because the owned Oscar night
22. Because they even mention it in/on other shows/books/movies -yes it's THAT good!
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