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Old 06-01-2011, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Penrose (View Post)
His role in MI will be much bigger, won't it? I think it's a wonderful chance he is being given - besides Camelot - to show his acting talent. I hope people will recognise there is more behind that face than a pretty laugh.

And you see, that's how mature people and fans behave.
Yeah his role in MI is basically the main male lead and everyone's favorite character. He's not a bad actor at all, I think he's done well in all his parts, so I'll give him a chance even though he's not exactly what I envisioned as Jace. And I'm glad you think so

I dunno, I'm just not a huge fan of Bonnie Could be due to my overwhelming dislike of Ginny Weasley though
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