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Old 05-27-2011, 06:04 PM
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Sure, a theme can work on its own, but if it's done right, it just cannot get to the level it should be at when it's taken out of the piece it comes from.
Yeah that's kind of how I see it. The only time I ever make playlists is when I need the music more for background than a real listening experience. Like a dinner party or something.

I love "concept albums" with all the songs linked by a theme
Neat! I so rarely listen to anything with lyrics (at least not lyrics that I can possibly understand,) so the idea of a concept album is pretty foreign to me. Back my undergrad days I was really into Porcupine Tree and I know their album "In Absentia" was a concept album, but I never really followed the "concept" too closely. Oh, and I reviewed a concept album by another band once for the website of my radio station, but... that one got a bad review. Definitely one I only listened to because it was free
ETA: I forgot to ask- any really interesting concept albums that you'd recommend?
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