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Old 02-29-2004, 04:56 PM
CottonCandy Golddigger
New Fan
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 41
Willow and Wesley similarities

Is it just me or are there alot of similarities between Wes and Willow's story lines?
ex. Both started out as nerdy underesimated characters
Both at periods took up leadership roles(Willow during the period before Buffys reserection Wes during Angels dark period in season 2)
Both lusted after people for several seasons(xander and Fred)
Both went through dark periods were they were considered very dangerous
Both lost there true loves after only recently being reunited
and i'm pretty sure Wes'll go straight to killing Knox next episode just like Willow did Warren
Spike: We were innocent victems too, once upon a time
Angel: Once upon a time
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