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Old 05-16-2011, 10:30 AM
Sweet Pea
Elite Fan

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Band Geeks (R/A/J) #155: Because protective Ricky standing up for his girl is hot!

He was the womanizing rebel with a dark past. She was the shy French horn player in the school marching band. They came from two different worlds and yet, fate brought them together for one unexpected night that would forever change both of their lives.
♥ ♥ ♥
She saw through his games and believed in the person he could be; he was inspired by her warmth and innocence to be a better person. As one tiny soul connected them together forever, the two of them, having nothing in common except for the child they created, fell in love with one another as time went by...

"This could be the start of something big"

Re-live the moments that made us fall in love with them!

[Ricky/Amy S1 Moments]
[Ricky/Amy Season 2 Moments]
[[Ricky/Amy Season 3, Episodes 1-14 Moments]

My heart is set on Amy and our baby.

our f a v o r i t e s

Maybe Ricky has real feelings for Amy.
Maybe Amy has real feelings for Ricky.

our f a v o r i t e s

It doesn't matter what Amy says.
She has feelings for Ricky.

John Juergens-Underwood
♥ ♥ ♥

He's my baby. I love him.

I think you two were making more than music at bandcamp!

Future Thread Titles:

Because even ABCF can see this is one hot couple.
Because longer the wait, the better the cuteness.
Lip touches, cheek brushes, hugs and kisses..Oh the memories!
Because this break is so long, but, our love for Ramy remains strong.
Because life's lesson for them is that one night at band camp can sometimes score you the love of your life!
Because we like to see these two go crazy, especially over each other!
Because the world couldn't understand Ricky the way Amy can!
Because we knew it was bound to happen one day, why not now?
Because there must be a reason Ben, Adrian and Ashley tried so hard to keep them apart!
Because we've got a long wait, but hopefully the future brings more Ramy dates!
Because if Amy keeps tempting Ricky, more kids are definitly in their future!
Because according to Shai, Ricky and Amy are definitely married in the future.
Because he wants to protect her.
Because he's part of the family now
Because he did not have the flu
Because Amy proved he didn't have the flu
Because he's no longer a victim
Because John met grandma Nora
Because they want to have sex but wont (yet)
Because Ricky was scared and Amy was there for him
Because no one will hurt John (and if they do he's got protection)
Because she came to see if he was okay
Because he's finally letting her in
Because we've waited 2 1/2 years for a bed scene
Because this time, they finally found the bed.
Because him and Amy are not 'just' friends.
Because his prayers were answered, they came in the form of John and Amy

Special Thanks To:
*BlackHalo (Taneya) for the opening banner and the gorgeous facial graphics.
*Scribbled Pretty (Erin) for the awesome Favorite Moments graphics and the Shippers/Reasons/Fanart/Fanfiction/Videos/Icons Buttons,
Soundtrack art and the Ricky/Amy/John collage
as well as the RA family photo, character bio art and the animation.
*Sweet Pea (Tanya) for the Season 1 and Season 2 graphic and for the Baby/Toddler John banner.
*Ice_Whisper (Crissy) for the rundown of the S2 lovestory as well as writing up the character bios for us
*Coty for the Season 1, 2 and 3 clips.

Thanks to everyone for helping. It wouldn't have been a success without the help of the fans!
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