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Old 05-14-2011, 01:23 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 153
Here's a fluffy little story that sat in cold storage while I was writing my epic fanfic. I finished it off.

Saturday Night Shocks

Takes place right after Odo and Kira's date in Vic's, when Odo thinks Kira is a hologram.



Odo stamped out the holosuite, anger, outrage, and humiliation seeping through his substance. He absently noted that he was being stared at by the clientele in Quarks, then realized he was still *wearing* the tuxedo he’d donned for the evening – for his date with Nerys. DATE? More like disaster! Odo shook his head in disgust. Could he have possibly made a bigger fool of himself than he had tonight? He tried not to make eye contact with anyone as he snaked his way through the restaurant and bar tables. Unfortunately, a certain all-too-curious Ferengi caught his attention. Quark was heading his way, trying to cut him off before he could reach the safety of the turbolift. Rising up to his full-assumed humanoid height, Odo projected his most intimidating bearing, followed up by a glare at Quark that would have melted duridium. It worked. Quark shrunk away, leaving Odo a clear path. Reaching the turbolift, he growled out his destination. Only a few more agonizing moments before he reached the sanctuary of his quarters. . .


Nerys could only stare dumbly at the now empty holosuite walls. The image of Vic and his nightclub had vanished, replaced by the colorful lights and machinery that brought these infernal holoprograms to life. She hated holoprograms. Always had.

Everything had happened so fast, she found her head was spinning. She’d been dancing with Odo. It was a wonderful, magical moment she thought dreamily. Then without warning, the ugly flash of comprehension when she and Odo had realized Vic had tricked them both; Odo, into thinking that she was a hologram, and she into thinking that Odo had wanted to spend the evening with her. In that instant the mood of the evening had been shattered. They had gone from spark-flying sexual tension and the delicious sense of anticipation to awkwardness, embarrassment and dismay. Nerys frowned. This was all Vic’s fault. Expelling a little breath of exasperation and disappointment, she exited the holosuite and slipped out the side door onto the second level of the Promenade. She didn’t want to have to face the crowd at Quarks, all dressed up, leaving alone. Distracted by disturbing thoughts, she made her way back to her quarters. . .


Odo stood ramrod straight. He clasped his arms across his chest and stared unseeing out the viewport of his quarters into the vastness of space. How long he’d maintained this posture, he didn’t know. His substance was crying out for release, but he stubbornly put down his mutinous cells. It was the only thing left over which he had some control. Even that is an illusion, he thought bitterly. Eventually, they will have their way with me.

Embarrassment and mortification radiated from him. He had made an idiot of himself in front of Nerys. Worse, he had destroyed any chance he may have had with her. She would never look at him now with anything other than disgust and revulsion. He forced himself to review the entire evening. The clues were all there. How gullible could he be? Vic may have been exceptional as a hologram, but even he couldn’t duplicate Nerys in such intricate detail – not just the way she looked, but also all her actions, words, behavior, temperament, all the subtle nuances that made her who she was. He should have seen. Instead, he kept insisting she was a hologram.

He thought bleakly that, if she chose to do so, Nerys could proffer charges against him. There were laws against the use of real people as holograms for entertainment purposes. While he considered it unlikely that she would do so, Odo couldn’t help but wonder what she must think of him. He continued this mental self-flagellation for a long time, until he lost the ability to hold his form and collapsed into his natural state.


Nerys peeled off her clothing, letting it drop to the floor where she’d discarded it. She needed a shower, needed to wash away the disquieting thoughts that invaded her head. Standing, eyes closed, trance-like, she allowed the warm water to pour over her. However, the water did nothing to quiet her troubled mind.

Pulling on her most comfortable old robe, Nerys padded out to the living area of her quarters. “Ginger tea, sweet,” she ordered the replicator. Collecting her cup, she curled up on her sofa. She frowned and furrowed her brow. “I’ve got to make sense of all this.” She concentrated. The evening had started as she entered the holosuite. Odo was there to greet her, dressed in black formal attire that appeared appropriate to the period. He looked very handsome, she thought. “Wait. This won’t do. I’ve got to go back further.” She recalled the evening when Julian had invited them all to the holosuite to inaugurate his new holoprogram. That Vic person seemed to have an uncanny knack for knowing private things about them. She’d been relieved that Vic had shown some restraint and not given away Odo’s secret. Later, in Quarks, Jadzia had teased her about her trip to Bajor, insinuating the real reason for her visit was a romantic interlude with Shakaar. Nerys remembered she could have killed Dax at that moment, especially when she glanced up and saw a flash of alarm and anxiety in Odo’s eyes.

With that thought planted in Odo’s mind, he must have turned to Vic in desperation. Nerys felt a stab of guilt. She’d managed to dodge the issue of Odo’s love for her for over a year. Why she couldn’t confront her feelings, she couldn’t say. They’d been good friends for years. They’d hung on to their friendship through devastating acts of betrayal – acts that could have destroyed their trust and faith in each other. That their friendship had survived was a testament to the depth of their commitment to each other. Yet something held Nerys back from taking that final step. She grudgingly admitted she often didn’t understand herself. Introspection had never been a major failing of hers.


Odo stretched out on the floor of his quarters, a shimmering amber liquid glistening in the starlight. His substance rippled and undulated restlessly, reflecting the turmoil he was experiencing. He craved peace of mind, but peace was not forthcoming. He’d asked the Founder for peace. What she offered instead was a distorted view of the universe, with his Changeling species at the top and all other lifeforms as insignificant, irrelevant, and unimportant. Exploitable commodities. He shivered as he remembered how close he came to believing that lie.

No, there was no peace with his people. However, peace with humanoids seemed equally elusive. Now he had to find the courage to face Nerys and apologize. Or at least explain . . . if such a thing was possible.

Well, you see, Nerys, I was worried that I might have lost you to Shakaar – again – but I had no idea how to even ask you out on a date, much less romance you. So I went to this hologram for advice…

I didn’t know how to change the nature of our relationship, and this Vic seemed to know things…

For some reason, I felt more comfortable talking to a hologram about my feelings…

Ridiculous. Each explanation he conjured up was more absurd than the last. He curled his substance in on itself.


Vic had told her, when he’d interrupted her meditation, that Odo wasn’t a stick in the mud any longer - that he could *swing.* She wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but the Odo she’d seen in the holosuite was a different man. Gone was the insecure Changeling who could barely look her in the eye, who always seemed to give the appearance of a frightened animal ready to flee at the first sign of danger. The Odo she’d been with earlier was poised and self possessed, and charming, and . . . sexy. Nerys quailed at the thought. She was even more stunned to realize that she’d thought of him that way for quite some time. There was something alluring and seductive in the way he moved, in the gravelly and yet caressing tone of his voice, in the way he moved his hands, in those intense blue eyes – those bedroom eyes.

Prophets! I’m attracted to him!
This unexpected realization made her recall how she’d felt as they were dancing. The feel of his hand on the small of her back, the closeness of their bodies as they moved to the rhythm of the music, the warmth of his hand clasping hers, holding it next to his breast.

A smile crept over her face. This sudden awareness came laden with all manner of conflicting emotions – happiness, anxiety, contentment, fear. She stood and paced the room, experiencing the familiar fluttery feeling in her stomach. She stopped dead in her tracks. Suddenly, it all made perfect sense. Everything seemed to click into place. A moment of pure clarity. . .


It was imperative that he find a way to avoid her for the next few days, until he could quiet this maelstrom of turbulent thoughts. Until he could figure out a way to regain his dignity around her, no easy task considering how he’d embarrassed himself. Not that it would matter. She had probably already reached an understanding with Shakaar. They would be getting married before too much longer and she would relocate to Bajor. That would erase the pain of seeing her every day. The distance and her marriage would stretch and then eventually break the friendship they’d enjoyed. She would make new friends on Bajor, no doubt start a family and leave this life behind, as well she should. The idea should have calmed him. It did not. Tension radiated through him, a nearly impossible sensation when he was in his natural state. He called up the humanoid matrix, where the tension could take a more comfortable form.

How could he allow this to happen? How could he bear to lose her again? You never had her to lose, odo’ital. He would simply have to find a way to rebuild his life. Again. Whether she stayed on the station or left; whether she took up again with Shakaar or not, he had to accept that he had lost his chance with her. That she would never come to love him as he loved her.


Don’t be an idiot, Nerys! The timing’s all wrong.
Not without a fight, she managed to bridle her natural impulse to race to Odo’s quarters and throw herself into his arms. Odo has a lot of pride, and his dignity is important to him. He’s just suffered a terrible humiliation. If I go to him tonight, he will only take it as pity. Tomorrow will be soon enough. They could talk, clear the air between them, and with any luck get all this resolved.

Suddenly, another stab of insight struck her. After what happened earlier this evening, Odo would probably never be bold enough – or brave enough – to make the first move. He only acted as he did because he thought it was *safe* to do so, since he thought she was a hologram. He’ll never act that way around me.

There had to be a way to get over this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Nerys sat and chewed on her thumbnail. This was all virgin territory for her. Her experiences with romance were somewhat limited. During the Cardassian Occupation, no one bothered with long term relationships. She’d had her share of casual lovers, but that’s just what they were. These encounters were more a product of the fear of an upcoming mission, or the exhilaration of the successful completion of a mission. In no way could she classify them as romances.

The only serious relationships she’d had were with Bariel and Shakaar, and in both cases she had been the pursued, not the pursuer. She’d done little more than stand there and welcome their advances.

However, Odo wouldn’t pursue her. Prophets, he’d loved her for all those years and never said a word. She wondered vaguely if he would have ever told her. They would never know, since Odo’s Gaia counterpart had taken matters into his own hands and told her of his love. Anyone as closed off and reticent as Odo couldn’t be expected, much less relied upon, to sweep her off her feet. If anything were to come of this, she would have to become the aggressor. She frowned, grimly set herself the task of coming up with a plan. . .


“Uh, here brother. Someone forgot to return this when they left the holosuite.” Rom dropped the holorod into Quark’s waiting hand. He glanced at it, then clutched it tightly. Turning his back to Rom, Quark smoothly slipped the holorod into the inner pocket of his jacket.

“Tell the Ferengi waiters I want this place cleaned up in an hour. I want an early night.” His tone of authority sent Rom scurrying off. Quark managed a small smirk as he idly wiped down the bar.

It wasn’t long before the doors were locked, the waiters gone and the lights dimmed. Quark rubbed his lobe with one hand, while the other hand removed the holorod from his jacket pocket. Ascending the circular staircase, Quark wondered absently if he would get the answers he sought. He reached the holosuites, and inserted the rod. The doors opened to reveal an empty lounge that bore a remarkable resemblance to his own empty bar.

“We’re closed,” came a disembodied voice.

Quark peeked around the bar, trying to locate the source of the voice.

“I said, we’re closed.”

Quark looked up to see a hew-mon male with iron gray hair strolling towards him.

“I thought you were a hologram. Not very accommodating, are you?” Quark said, affecting an air of both irritation and indifference.

“I am a hologram. Vic Fontaine,” he held out his hand. “And you must be Quark, the proprietor of this establishment.” Vic gestured to a table, where a large green bottle and two glasses seemed to appear out of thin air. Quark sat, giving Vic an appraising stare. “Champagne?” as Vic filled the glasses on the table.

“It has bubbles,” Quark said as he inspected the pale yellow liquid. “I hope it doesn’t taste like root beer.”

Vic chuckled. “I’ll let you be the judge of that, pallie.” He lifted his glass to his lips and swallowed the beverage, signing in appreciation. “Let me guess. You’re hoping for some information.”

“Information? Me?” Quark took a swig of the champagne, and nearly gagged. “This stuff is worse than root beer.” He pushed the glass away.

Vic gave him a knowing look. “So, if you’re not looking for information, why are you here?”

Quark schooled his voice to register profound disinterest and boredom. “Some friends of mine have been spending lots of time here lately. So I thought I would check you out.”

“Friends. . . as in, Constable Odo, perhaps?”

“Maybe.” Quark shifted uncomfortably in his chair. There was something about this guy that made you want to confess. “Look, Odo and I go back a long way. I know he’s got a thing for Kira. Has had, for years, now. It’s eating him up inside. I’m afraid if they don’t . . . resolve things . . . it’s really gonna kill him.” He tried unsuccessfully to cover his concern with annoyance.

“Not to mention what you stand to gain in that little pool you’ve been running…”

What was this guy, a clairvoyant? “That too.”

Vic leaned back in his chair and undid the bow tie at his collar. With a self-satisfied smile, he said, “I think they will have *resolved things,* as you call it, by as early as tomorrow.”

“Really?” This certainly didn’t square with the way Odo had looked as he stalked out of the bar earlier.

“Oh,” Vic waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, “they hit a little rough water tonight, but it’ll be smooth sailing for them from here on out.”

Quark fought to suppress the greedy smile that threatened him. This little bit of insider information could make him a tidy profit in the “Odo/Kira romance” pool. “Tomorrow, you say?” Vic nodded. “Tomorrow’s Sunday.”

“The Lord’s day, where I come from.” Vic rose. “Now, my friend, I think we both need to get a good nights rest. I have a feeling tomorrow’s gonna be one hell of a day.”

Who needs dinner . . .

My Odo/Kira website:
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