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Old 05-11-2011, 07:59 AM
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Also did you hear that Gov Schwarzenegger and Maria Shiver are separating about 25 years, wow (the Kings love their current event, cannot be good news for A/P )
I heard this yesterday, thought of TGW and found it sadly ironic.

Did anyone "get" what Jackie meant by the, "I know what goes on in your apartment!" rant?!? Was that foreshadowing something for next week, etc?

I am already very tired of cold, gritchy, inflexible Alicia. I sincerely hope they do not keep her on ice much longer. Her attitude is getting hard to swallow because the Kings have made her increasingly hypocritical. Perhaps that is the point, but I miss the days when I really both loved and liked her. The love is still there, but these days I find it more and more difficult to like Alicia as well. ::sniffle::

I enjoyed the teary scene between K/A in the office, but the later one seemed so very angry and final on both sides that it really got to me. I didn't want Alicia to say, "Good!" about Kalinda leaving! Hearing Kalinda just state in such a matter-of-fact way that she slept with Peter because that's how she rolls and confirm she lied outright to Alicia about it a year ago was disheartening. Perhaps I have been reading to many warmer, fuzzier fan fiction scenarios of this encounter to ever be truly pleased with the actual cannon version. I hope their interaction next week gives us at least a *glimmer* of hope!?!

I also found it weird that the Kings chose to imply that Peter and the kids haven't seen each other during this entire period. That just doesn't ring true to me. They didn't have to show us a scene, but I can't see them not talking at all in this week or more period since Alicia kicked him out of the apartment. Seems like they should have at least indicated they'd talked by phone or something.

The bit with Kalinda laughing hysterically at the SA office work seemed "off" somehow to me, but I don't really even know why. Maybe it was just the idea of K laughing at all, since it isn't something I recall ever seeing before now. I wasn't sure to make of the look between Alicia and Kalinda in the final scene, but I hope it doesn't spell continual cat fights to come.

Just realized only part of this is directly A/P related. Does indirect count for the A/K commentary?
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