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Old 05-10-2011, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
Which doesn't mean she was abused or a victim. She could have been in trouble because she screwed the wrong people.
Also she didn't ask for a name change. She had already changed her name by then. Peter helped her erase her footprints, whatever that is.

Yes she knows Kalinda but she also knows there's a dark side to her and that she uses sex. I'm not really sure she would feel better knowing Kalinda used sex with Peter for something else.

Where? I don't remember that.

I seriously think it was the other way around. She needed help but she was just a co-worker. Maybe she seduced him (not that it was really hard ) because she figured that if they had some sort of personal connection, he would be more prone to help.
I was thinking she could have blackmailed him into helping and that's why he really fired her but then he probably wouldn't have defended her to Alicia, right?
I doubt she blackmailed him... more like what you say.. she flirted, a very easy seduction...
Kings said in one of their interviews... that things happen in the workplace, pple flirt , leads to things.. true they did not mention Peter/K specifically.. they kept saying that they had to write this sensitively... think we will see tonite, but I am convinced our poor PEter will get the bad end of the stick again. I am puzzled by the neither P/K seem worried about something else coming out??
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