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Old 05-08-2011, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by courtneybangelcakes (View Post)

This post has spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the novel, I think once they got together - and I died from inner happiness, like true happiness - I knew that something would have to happen. So when it happened, at first I cried. Not even going to lie - I felt so upset, angry, and just depressed. I couldn't even believe it. That I had waited, and waited with them, it seems, for them to finally get together and ...sigh. But the ending, that freaking ending killed me - starting back at the beginning. Oh my, I'm starting to cry right now That ending killed me, before their entire journey had started, before all of it - there was something there. That kiss, their goodbyes - it was just the start of a love that would last their entire lives. It's seriously so emotional, it affected me so deeply.

The thing that really, really gets me about the story is that Dexter was such a effed up man. He was selfish beyond belief, he was vain, lazy, complained all the time, wasn't that intelligent and no girl meant really much to him - besides Emma. He would think about her, even when surrounded by others - he just always came back to her. She made him into such a better man, she was so good for him. I think of that letter he wrote to her about how she should come to India, and be with him - she mattered to him so much, and he didn't even realize it. And Emma never, not one second of her life, stopped loving him. She was loyal, and devoted, and so madly in love with him.

As you can I have been too consumed by this novel. And I hope the movie is amazing, I love the cast and I love that David Nicholls wrote the screenplay. I might just die in the film

Also do you have the name of that book you recommended? I forgot to write it down, and I'm yearning for another love story.

And yay for Buffy S6 - after multiple viewings, that season has become one of my favorites. S2/3 are my favorites, but season six is amazing. Spike/Buffy, especially in the first eight episodes, are incredible and so wonderful to watch. But yes, I feel your pain - Buffy/Angel were always with me

You articulate their relationship so well! Seriously, though, and ITA about Dexter's and Emma's characters. Dex drove me mad sometimes because he could be such a prick, but in the end I would always end up rooting for him, especially as the person he was around Em. And Emma I had such a soft spot for. Adored her spunkiness, her effort to remain optimistic, her self-depracation, and of course her loyalty. And I loved always picturing her with the best Cockney accent. The last few pages were beautiful, and I think that's when I was crying the most. You just find out what happens in the present, and then you're taken back to the first day they meant, and the way it's just shattered me all over again.

I didn't know David Nicholls wrote the screenplay, though! Oh that just made me feel loads more confident about the film.

That gif.

Season five really did have some of the best stand-alone episodes of the series so far. But I'm with you on S2 and 3 being the best. Especially 3 for me.

Oh yeah and the book is called 'Beginner's Greek' by James Collins!

Originally Posted by mary ksand (View Post)

BTVS is the best show ever, imo. The writing, the characters, friendships, romances, everything was on it's best. Even the couples I didn't ship, I could still respect. It is not just a show about vampires and a slayer. It is so much more. It is about growing up, coping with death of your loving ones, accepting your own mortality, about being able to feel happy even when you have the weight on the world on your shoulders. BTVS will alwaus be my all time favourite show And I get what you are saying about the original gang dynamic, I also missed it at times, especially I missed Oz and Cordy. But I absolutely loved Anya, Tara, Spike and every character that happened to be a part of Buffy's journey.

My favourite season for BTVS are 5 and 6. I think they have the strongest episodes. Season 5 was generally amazing, even though we got to see the saddest part of Buffy's story there. It was a season about life and death. I also adore S6, it is very contradictive, it is about dealing with real life problems and finding out how helpless you are when you have to face them even if you are a powerful slayer who saved the world a lot Also Spike's story is just amazing. His constant struggle with himself and his nature, a point of no return and finally - the greatest act of love. But not gonna spoil you, you should see it yourself
IA that the new characters post-high school are all pretty great. Spike is most definitely one of my favorites in the series! Anya I kind of go back and forth with, but she is funny. Love Tara and Dawn (). Season five was so sad, but I think that's why I really liked it. I'm a sucker for the dramatic, heavily emotional stuff.
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