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Old 05-07-2011, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)

I'm still not enjoying the season as much as I wish I was....
Same. While each episode has gotten better, it's still not up to par. Doesn't it feel as if Julie's storyline is just thrown in there? It definitely throws off the flow and I think the writers even realized it which is why her screen time has lessened. Plus, it's obvious she's coming back.

I also can't stand the Epic storyline. That's another one that just seems to have been thrown in there to give Tami something to do, I guess.

I did like the Mindy/Becky scenes and am interested in what happens with Vince and his dad and Buddy Jr. and Buddy. When Buddy Jr. and his other sister were around, it was everything Lyla with Buddy so maybe they'll touch on that.

I liked the end. Luke was invited but the whole thing was a ploy for them to meet Vince. Coach Taylor ain't gonna be too happy.
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