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Old 05-07-2011, 12:40 AM
Obsessed Fan
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Parks & Recreation: Season 1, Episode 6

I hope season 2 is better than season 1, highlights were episode 2-4, the pilot was okay, the last 2 episodes not that good. Today, Andy got rid of his casts and played with his band, Chris Pratt can sing and his band is quite nice, but the boring date of Leslie and this guy set up by her mother was not interesting at all. Her hanging out with Marc was nice, I hope it works out. “Marc just fell in the pit.” Andy liked it. But despite the okay final I thinkt he show has a good cast and I like the style of the show, maybe they can make something out of a full season. There’s a lot of potential.

Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
Well, I really liked the Halloween episode, but this one was better.
Hm, tastes are different I guess. I doesn't really matter, one bad episode in 30 episodes is a great rate.

Community: Season 2, Episode 10

Back 2 normal! The intro (the part before the theme) was fun, like old times! And then there she was: Hilary Duff! I was a fan of Lizzie McGuire years ago (not saying how many years^^) and Hilary (yeah, embarrassing), and though I don’t care what she’s doing nowadays, she doesn’t have changed that much, besides her look. Her acting…we don’t need to talk aout that. I’m happy to see her on Community. Abed with the ladies in a girl class was fun, Abed dissing these bitchy girls including the Duff was nice.”You’re all bitches.” And Troy and Jeff finding that hidden garden with that secret trampoline was so peaceful and beautiful. I’m gonna buy me a trampoline now. Jeff so relaxed was great, nobody could believe him, is he on weed? “Turtles don’t eat mice.”

Parks & Recreation: Season 2, Episode 1

Leslie rapping was hilarious, what a first scene. Tom seemed to really enjoy that, I’m not sure about Ron and April. Leslie marriing to male penguins – awesome. “The thing about youth culture is, I don’t understand it.” Leslie got a probem cos it now seemed that she was pro gay-marriage and that’s a problem if she does it in the name of her P&R apartment. I also liked her and Tom visiting that gay bar. “Leslie Knope in the building, let’s get wild.” Tom is getting better every episode. And her appearance in the talkshow was interesting too. Chris Pratt hat a short surprise visit, he’s living in a tent in the pit. Good start into the 2nd season.

Outsourced: Season 1, Episode 21

It was one of the better episodes since a long time. Rajiv’s wedding was really nice. Some nice things, a lot of the typical stuff, Manmeet and his girlfriend was okay, not that interesting. The bachelor-party was okay. But all in all it was a nice episode, not as boring as too many episodes this year. Next week the finale, don’t care if it gets a second season, there are better NBC comedies.

The Big Bang Theory: Season 4, Episode 22

This once great show (1-2, parts of season 3) is going down, I only liked Sheldon, he's the only character that is still great and has no annoying girlfriend (luckily we don't see much of Shamy), his 3-person-chess game and the scenes with Raj were really nice, the girlstuff / relationship stuff not. I'm not looking forward to the next 3 years, they could destroy the show.

Malcolm In The Middle: Season 7, Episode 11

I can't almost believe it, but this episode was HILARIOUS! Season 7 is not really good, but this one I loved, grandma Ida wanted to make a man out of Reese, so he had to take those crazy challanges against Malcolm - awesome! Also liked Dewey on his way to a piano competition with his parents, he was constantly thinking, that Lois was trying intentionally to stop him from attending that contast and Hal got into a telefon conference by accident - funny.

Last edited by ForVanAngel; 05-07-2011 at 06:25 AM
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