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Old 04-25-2011, 08:02 AM
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This is the Seventeenth Gate to the Viper Room {OT} #18 ~ With Aimy & Mel as new Moderators... This Board is Doomed.



Kurt Blaine

"Kurt, there’s a moment you say, ‘Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you forever.’
Watching you do Blackbird this week, that was that moment for me... About you.
You move me Kurt. And this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you."

"I’ll never say goodbye to you."

Who's : Mel {Nerdy Angel}
Show : Glee
Played By : Chris Colfer and Darren Criss
Top 3 Favorite moments :
1. Their kiss (2x16 Original Song)
2. Somewhere Only We Know (2x18 Born This Way)
3. Baby, It's Cold Outside (2x10 A Very Glee Christmas)
Why OTP : First of all : Darren Criss is one of my favorite artists.
He's a performer, singer, actor... You name it and yet he's just like a little fanboy.
And then of course there's the fact that it's fantastic to see 2 gay role models
on a very popular television show like Glee.
People need to see that they're just like us
and that all this just doesn't matter...
Plus they're too adorable for words. and super hot.

Bones Booth

"Everything happens eventually"

"There's more than one kind of family"

Who's : Effie {true colours}
Show : Bones
Played By : Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz
Top 3 Favorite moments :
1. 100th past kiss (5x16 The Parts in the Sum of the Whole)
2. Booth leaving hospital to save Brennan (1x15 Two Bodies in the Lab)
3. making a wish to be together (6x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard)
Why OTP : Because they are simply epic, 7 years of back and forth,
rescuing and loving, running and chasing, and now they just need to be less angry
and impervious and they will be together.

Nathan Hayley

"N: I screw up a lot, alright? And being around you, I just... I don’t want to be that guy
H: Well, who do you want to be Nathan?
N: I want to be someone who’s good enough to be seen with you."

"N: Hi, you’ve reached the Scott’s. My wife and I are...
H: Your wife? What do you? Like, own me?
N: Yeah, I do...
H: Hi, this is Nathan and Haley Scott. Please leave a message … or… not.
N: That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard.
H: Shut up, it rhymed, I like it.
N: Oops!
H: Oh fine, let’s do one together, ok?
N: Wait a minute. Isn’t that something only really cheesy couples do?
H: Yeah, well, we are a really cheesy couple Mister.
N: Good Point.
H: Ok. Hi, you’ve reached Haley…
N: ...and Nathan, I live here too.
H: Yeah, Nathan lives here too, because we’re married.
N: And we can’t get to the phone right now because we’re...
H: We’re having Sex? I mean, just, we’re having really...
N: Okay.
H: sex. Oh! Oh, we’re still on. Leave a message!
N: And we ‘ll get back to you when we’re done!"

Who's : Aimy {stand up}
Show : One Tree Hill
Played By : James Lafferty and Bethany Joy Galeotti
Top 3 Favorite moments :
1. 1st kiss (1x08) The Search for Something More)
2. Birth of Their Son (4x21 All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone)
3. Birth of Their Daughter (8x18 Quiet Little Voices)
Why OTP : Because he dared her to move and she did. She showed him what a great man and father he could be and he is.
Because she never stopped believing in him even when he stopped believing in himself.
Childhood sweethearts, that only get better and stronger, the epic love story, that is NALEY.

Scully Mulder

"But you saved me. As difficult and frustrating as it's been sometimes,
your God-damned strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over.
You kept me honest. You made me a whole person.
I owe you everything, and you owe me nothing.
I don't know if I want to do this alone. I don't even know if I can."

"Scully, I was like you once. I didn't know who to trust. Then I... I chose another path...
another life, another fate, where I found my sister.
The end of my world was unrecognizable and upside down.
There was one thing that remained the same. You were my friend, and you told me the truth.
Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant. My touchstone. "
"And you are mine."

Who's : Yvonné {snatches of sunshine}
Show : X-Files
Played By : Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny
Top 3 Favorite moments :
1. Him coming to cry at her hospital bed when she had cancer (Redux)
2. Their kiss at the beginning of the last episode when he is in prison (Existence)
3. Them holding Baby William and talking about the truth (The Truth)
Why OTP : Because from the first moment on she believed in him and he trusted her.
They had the worth conditions one ever could imagine and
still had this relationship that had not so much physical content,
it was the rooted friendship and the believing in each other that made them so perfect!
And in the end, he never left her side again

Harry Judd ♥ Dougie Poynter

"Say hello to my boyfriend Harry!" - Dougie
"Hello, I'm Harry's girlfriend" - Dougie

Dougie: I was quite enjoying it!
Harry: Well, I'm not enjoying it!
Dougie: Why?
Harry: 'Cause I don't like sitting next to you!
Dougie: You love it. You sleep next to me.
Harry: True.

Dougie: I don’t know how I always end up naked.
Harry: ‘Cause I strip him.
Dougie: Harry likes to strip me. Does anyone else think that that’s weird?
Harry: What?
Dougie: That Harry likes to strip me - does anyone else think that that’s just a tiny bit… Odd?
Harry: Why is that weird? It’s just… Harmless flirting.
Dougie: It’s a flirting, is it? You haven’t told me that.
Harry: [Laughing] I’m flirting with you. I’m flirting with you right now, look at my body language. Look at your body language. You don’t even know it.

Who's: Maria {Jemistry}
Fandom: McFly
Who are they: Drummer and bassist of the british pop band McFly.
My Top 3 Favourite Moments:
~1~ When they got "married" on 2006.
~2~ When Harry proposed to Dougie on stage (2007)
~3~ When Dougie announced on Twitter they were "enGAYged" (2011).
Why OTP: Well, McFly is my favourite band and I love the 4 boys with all my heart, but it's very easy to see that Harry and Dougie share the most special friendship. They have stated on interviews that they have crushes on each other, and Harry even said once: "we're not gay, just experimenting" HA, THAT PROVES SOMETHING'S HAPPENED. They support each other no matter what and are very affectionate towards the other, obviously I'm a teenage female so 1 HOT MALE + 1 HOT MALE + LOTS OF TOUCHING = *dies*. Those are some of the reasons why Pudd is my ultimate OTP, but if you want to know more about their relationship, I recommend you watch interviews and look for pictures, you'll realize why my love for them knows no boundaries.

; who's afraid of little old me?
{ MEL } pjo

Last edited by madness; 05-02-2011 at 10:56 PM
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