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Old 04-18-2011, 02:37 PM
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Hahaha in my culture, 15 is the big one
I know! What's up with that?

I don't remember anything about it, but it was 40 years ago so I have an excuse!!!!
Hehe I hear you. Mine was 21 years go (Oy) and I don't remember anything about it.

And really books make the best gifts, they last generations.
I don't mind not being the uncool aunt who gives books for Xmas and birthdays Well, I'm not an aunt but when I am, I won't mind. I'm lucky because my Godson just adores books so nothing I can do will make me uncool... for now
My aunt would always give me the best book for my birthdays but I honestly can't remember the one I had for that particular one.

"You can just call me Root, B!tch"

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