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Old 03-29-2011, 08:32 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Nov 2010
Posts: 271
Poor Amber. But the girl needs to learn how to handle problems.
I felt so bad for her this episode. So far in this series, people have tried to show her that she's worth more than she thinks. And that college is a possibility for her in the future. And to have a reality check on that must be rough*. She usually would confide in Sarah or Haddie, and maybe Drew. But on this, she felt like she couldn't go to Sarah, because Sarah's been her biggest cheerleader, and has been all "Go College! Yay!" Not in a bad way, but to encourage Amber. And Haddie is a super academic acheiver, so Amber would probably be embarrassed to go to her. And with Drew, Amber probably wouldn't want to put some worries on his plate, since there's nothing he could do about it.

She was so sad, all out of it in Julia's boss' car. I'm so glad Julia found her, and had the good sense to be compassionate and loving to Amber, when you just know inside she was freaking out.

* It was good, in a way, that the show didn't have Amber get into her dream school. With her grades and coursework and lack of extracurriculars, it would have been surprising if she got into a competitive school right off the bat.

All in all, I liked the episode, aside from the Crosby/Jasmine stuff, which seemed a bit off. I did like the Crosby/Sarah scene though - very sweet.
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