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Old 03-25-2011, 05:01 PM
deep within me
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Joined: Oct 2007
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And even though Carly didn't actually hit Jake, Lucky's rant about her was beautiful, and a long time coming given all the crap she's pulled behind his back.
THIS. I love his rant about her because I was smiling like an evil bitch hearing him ranting about her. Finally someone says something about her that is not all about roses and sunshine and rainbows.

Of course, Luke hit him because when it comes to soap opera shows, when someone denied being involved in this situation automatically is likely to be one who did it. Like very least suspect is likely to be one who did it. I have watched so many shows to be able to pick up on that vibe.

Honestly, I STILL don't understand WHY Dante would call Jason to inform him? He's NOT, absolutely NOT Jake's legally father. He's NOWHERE part of his life, he barely is mentioned in Jake's life, and is not even touching one bit of his life ever since, and now they are treating him like he's part of this, that it's important that he should know, and that it matters? WTF?! I was so pissed and rolled my eyes so hard when Dante called him just to inform him who did it. Really?! Urgh. I am kinda glad that Lucky was first to find out but Jason? Be real. Whatever.

And lastly, JJ ROCKED that's all. He's amazing, just...flawless.
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