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Old 03-07-2011, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Hamburgo1001 (View Post)
I know. I always used to say that I could accept the soldier!Jack route if they had kept the character a priest at heart but I just know it won't happen. It's only a matter of time until the faith stuff disappears completely IMO.
yeah, that's very frustrating for me because I liked the faith element to the show. Jack was such a unique character and I like it when everything and everyone doesn't get tied down by romance.

That's basically all there is to it. I have no doubts about that one. All the Jack/Joe parallels and the way they kept on focusing on Jack's reaction when he witnessed the Erica/Hobbes moment confirmed it for me.
Yes. The moment that Jack had his collar officially taken away, is the moment that all the hints were dropped that ERica was Jack's future plot point.
RIP Luke Perry: 1966-2019

Brenda❤Dylan Fan ~ You’ll look back years from now, and I’ll just be another girl you knew in high school. DYLAN: No you won’t. No you won’t, Bren. Not after everything.
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