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Old 02-03-2004, 03:53 PM
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He gave an interview once and the exact quote is this... "sometimes I'm an ass, sometimes I'm sweet as peaches"...
Oh yeah, I remember that now. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I guess I have heard of him using that phrase before. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Speaking of things people say often: Whenever most people get a chill they say it feels like someone stepped on/over their grave, right? Well, once I got a chill and my Gramma says, "Did a possum run over your grave?" And I was like, "Huh? That's one I've never heard before." She said it was an old country saying or something. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Bad thing is, I picked it up and started saying it. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Now, I've been trying to stop myself from saying it. hehe.

"No... I think its inside...It's inside... I'm playing with the cord again..haha. It's inside duh... laugh It's inside people actors, anybody to to.. be rude, to be a jerk, to be nice... to be any of that. And as an actor you just have to tap into it and know that its there but know that its just fake, pretend. Um, And I think sometimes people watching movies and watching tv shows have to understand too. They aren't their character and you may treat someone like crap or be sweet as peaches to somebody else but when it comes down to it, you're just a person like anyone else. And there has to be like such a seperation. But as long as you know action and cut, you're fine."
[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] the "As long as you know action and cut, you're fine." comment. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

"You're the ONLY woman I've ever loved."- Lucas to Sami

"I want you, I love you."
"Lucas, I love you too."- Lumi (Days)
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