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Old 03-02-2011, 01:30 PM
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nope, is not. I mean remember what he almost did in Hi, he can try to use Kalinda again....that could get messy!
Agreed. Not sure Kalinda would go along with it considering the recent developments but he might have some room for arm twisting.
Also what was that look on Kalinda's face after Alicia tells her "you know... life." when they talk about Peter and the election?

Also what happens to Cary now that Childs is out?
Don't tell me you don't see it coming, Kicks. He's going to help Kalinda and get his ass fired, that's what.
Btw, he could go to jail just for telling Kalinda about the grand jury... you think he might have told her who the witness was since he was at it

Yup, and he seems to always do that, never really apologize for doing his job!
I liked that. And it's not as if they were screwing their client either.

How expedient! How cavalier! How shallow! Shudder. Right now I'm disgusted with my boy Will.
It's not shallow. It's not as if they had thrown a client under the bus to help another one. They do good things in the process. It's just not their primary goal.

She's showing herself weaker than usual, too much pressure on her
I wish they had something else in mind than just making her weak to make her more palatable to the audience at large though. If there is a point to it, could we please get to it now? It's been a whole season of her getting weaker. If we actually got to find out something interesting about her now, it would not be a total waste.

I can't wait to see how this will be polayed out.
I'm worried. I can see how it plays out already. If it had happened last year, I would have trusted the writers more but this season, I'm afraid Kalinda will keep being used to try to get the younger demo on board even after Blake is gone. I kinda like her to be more than a marketing tool, don't ask me why

As for David, I was already head over heels for him, but I think he was more than superlative in this episode, specially in the voting scene.
so much fun! Can we get more of him? I know he's busy and all but I can't get enough!

Loved Diane and Will running around the office!
Josh doing the slide on the carpet made me

the way the director's played with the office space, the glass windows and the doors. Very smart. Specially when Alicia was passing by
very very nice direction again. The photography was excellent once again.

"You can just call me Root, B!tch"

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