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Old 03-02-2011, 12:47 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: May 2010
Posts: 119
Originally Posted by Rian (View Post)

........... Alicia's disillusionment with Will last night, seeing how he was willing to compromise his ideals and morals for the sake of winning and the sake of the business. It turned out okay in the end, but you could tell Alicia was rustled by what happened....
Viola's job offer promises some interesting plot development. It could give Alicia some bargaining clout in case Cary is brought back at higher pay. What I'd really like to see is her using it to get this firm to look at it's slipping integrity. I don't think this case turned out well. In fact I found the outcome really repugnant. The poor tortured dissident got nothing out of it. "No money and no more reporting of IPs" The latter concession won't make any difference because the replacement company that Diane/Will have helped get into China are going to report because "it's the law." How expedient! How cavalier! How shallow! Shudder. Right now I'm disgusted with my boy Will.
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