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Old 03-02-2011, 12:24 PM
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I don't think that they can make him look likethe clean guy here. Peter and Eli had proof of Glen's illegal nanny because they recorded the pay off. I don't think that was a legal recording.........
Oh I meant the show was trying to make him look like the clean guy, not Eli or the campaign

On another note, what did everyone think of Alicia's reaction to finding out why the firm had actually taken the case?
I totally forgot about that moment when I posted yesterday
I loved it. They have shown Alicia becoming way more cynical about the job these past weeks and I liked that they brought things into perspective again.
Yes she's more of a cynic and yes, she's trying to harden herself but she's surrounded by the masters of cynicism and she's not quite there yet.

Also it was an interesting moment for Will. He didn't try to make excuses or pretend she was reading it all wrong. He owned up to it. I Like that he was unapologetic. It would have been so easy to blame it on "the job" or responsibilities towards the firm etc...

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