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Old 03-02-2011, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Rian (View Post)
Glenn got his comeuppance, yes, but now Peter has to be ready to pay the price of pissing off Glenn. Peter is no saint, either, and both Glenn and Kalinda know a lot that could bring him down. Free from the "etiquette" of the campaign, so to speak, Glenn can really go after Peter. What does he have to lose?
Yup, I would be careful if I was Peter. We still do not really know what Glenn has on him, and I am sure it is a lot, unless the writers are not going to go there. And you are right, Glenn has nothing to lose now, he can surely do a lot of damage.

I agree, it seems things are convenient falling in line for Peter, but I guess its to be expected since its probably no secret that Peter was mostly likely going to win, it seems they could not up with something more interesting to drive these two out. I think is safe to say that there is a lot of baggage Peter has, which the writers have not really touched.
Also though, that last line by Childs, you have to admit was pretty weak, he is in this job to do good, I mean believe him but I do not see him as better than Peter, they are both sneaky and conniving

And did ya hear that right, 6 more weeks until the campaign is over? So which means that the end of the campaign will mostly likely be episode 18 or 19.

Regarding Zach and Alicia, not sure if Alicia ever finds out. But I bet if she ever did, she would be pissed!
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--- Alicia Florrick
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