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Old 03-02-2011, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Rian (View Post)

What did Peter do iin the last episode to cause Alicia to be distrustful and unhappy? Zach can think for himself and Glenn got what he deserved. I didn't see Peter "falling back into old habits". He doesn't need to be humbled, he has been humbled. Glenn pulled the first trigger and if he can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out
Alicia clearly told Eli that she didn't want the kids dragged into the campaign, in any way shape or form. As soon as they told Eli he should have taken it, shut them down, then did the "research" on his own, not sent them to do it. Their decision or not, Alicia made abundantly clear she didn't want the kids getting tin the thick of things, and Eli did that, and purposely circumvented Alicia to do it. And Peter did the same by not telling her when he knew what Zach was up to.

Alicia's biggest issue with Peter is trust, and here he goes down slippery slope of keeping secrets from her again. it's like she what she confessed to Kalinda, she's afraid things will go back to the old ways if he's elected, her being kept in the dark. Last night's episode was a subtle hint tat Alicia's fears may not be unfounded. I'm sure she won't find it a small thing if and when she finds out.

Has Peter been humbled? or, more accurately, has be learned from his mistakes, especially in regard to his family?

Glenn got his comeuppance, yes, but now Peter has to be ready to pay the price of pissing off Glenn. Peter is no saint, either, and both Glenn and Kalinda know a lot that could bring him down. Free from the "etiquette" of the campaign, so to speak, Glenn can really go after Peter. What does he have to lose?
We are all cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.
~Ray Bradbury
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