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Old 03-02-2011, 05:04 AM
Obsessed Fan
Joined: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Matt, these are the replies to your question from the last thread:
Thank you all so much! Now I know that. But I just wanna tell you my opinion, I think you think different, but anyway: I think that shows's are great for let's say 4 or max 5 seasons at best, but after that storylines could get boring and repeatativ and so on. That's the experience I've made with a lot of shows, so I don't think it's necessarily bad for a show to have less episodes, because if you'd give cable shows like Dexter or Breaking Bad more episodes, I think they'd produced more average episodes. Of course I can't say if it's true, if a Mad Men season with 20 episode would not also be the same quality show, but a short season doesn't have to be a bad thing. When you have to much time, writers tend to write boring storylines, cos they have to come up with something. Of course that's all theory, haven't really seen FNL, but just my opinion.

Just one more question: Could you give me a ranking of the seasons? Is the show good from 1-5? That'd be nice to know! I'll decide if I watch season 2 after season 1 I think at the middle of season 1.
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