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Old 02-28-2011, 08:15 PM
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Gossip Girl 4x17

What that supposed to be a dramatic ending or something? One kiss. She pulls him in. End. Oh, shocker. Clever, GG.

I don’t like BD. I think this not-friends thing is forced. And not just in the way that they’re denying feelings. In the writing. So ****ing stupid and annoying.

I like that it came out about the Captain’s beating.

I like that Vanessa’s interacting with Lily and Serena. I’m glad Lily listened to her.

I’m glad for Nate/Raina. They’re the only couple I can root for. I’m glad CN didn’t really fight. He was pissed, but then they didn’t break up or anything. Thank god.

I hope this means Ben is GONE. Please? I’m so bored. And did Serena just have a “maybe in the future” convo with him? HILARIOUS. She says that to all guys.

LC and CS got lots of screen time. ♥ I love LC. I’m glad Lily decided to turn herself in. Because she got her daughter proud of her. Lily’s growing.

What did I hate? Oh, you know, the usual. THEY **** UP BART BASS. Always ****ting on his memory. WHY do the writers hate him? Why, every ****ing season, must they destroy his character? What, Bart PURPOSEFULLY had Thorpe’s wife killed? WTF did that even MEAN? More bull**** story to me.

And, Chuck said he was in a good place when his father died. And now Chuck is doubting everything. And I HATE it.

So..WHY was Chuck looking for Blair? I know it’s because Blair can identify with lying parents? That’s what I’m going with for the next month and a half.

And let me tell you – I am SO happy for this hiatus. My life can calm down.
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