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Old 02-24-2011, 12:06 AM
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I'd like to defend her saying it's her age, but I can't
I was too much of an independent thinker at that age to have fallen into those traps but what I meant was that a lot of teenagers think like this in those binary modes. Either you "love" their favorite singer or you "hate" them. They see everything in black and white without subtlety.

With Zach and Grace, I sometimes feel like intelligence skipped a generation.

Alicia should enroll her for a Bible studies class, let's see how Grace feels about that!
it depends what Shannon thinks about it

Btw, why do you think Alicia has such a cynical view of religion? I understand it completely, but I wonderig what you'll thought?
I don't think she was raised by religious parents so she wouldn't have been exposed to religion at a young age. Maybe she was curious later and found it lacking. Also I guess being a liberal in the US, with the Christian right making the news way too often with outrageous comments probably didn't help her any.
I had the feeling she was more cynical about Christians than about religion.

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