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Old 02-19-2011, 10:23 PM
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It was the whole issue about Cark saying that "Clark Kent" is just words. Some just seem to have heard that and didn't listen to whole speech that he given. I was going to write how I felt about it but these two people from another site said it better. I hope they don't mind. Sorry about the confussion.

Clark Kent isn't a name. Martha Kent didn't raise a name or clothing or accessories. That was what Clark was saying. He'll be Clark in his heart, just like his mother said in Beacon. Clark Kent is a part of him, it's who he was raised to be and who Lois and others love.

When, as Martha said, he remains true to his "strength, integrity, and compassion," it won't "matter what [he] wear[s], or what name [he] go[es] by" because he'll "always be" the son she raised. It's the same as what Lois and said about trusting his heart and closing his eyes and ears to focus on what's true, and what Kara said when she told Clark, "Kal-El, instead of trying to force the noise out, why don't you just focus on one thing? Like that butterfly. Live inside that one noise. Make it your whole world."

The outward expression of Clark Kent will become a mask, a disguise, but who Clark Kent is--who he was raised to be--will be a part of him and a part of Superman because what's true is that Clark Kent is "strength, integrity, and compassion" (and so much more); he's just not a name.
I thought it played well with what Martha told him last episode about always being her son, etc.

Being adopted, Clark's identity is already more fluid, IMO. He is Clark Kent but he is also Kal-El. And now he is the Blur and soon he will be Superman. People call him different names but who he is remains the same. It is perfect symbolism for a man of principles -- someone whose moral center remains unswayed by situational ethics.

I didn't see him rejecting the Kents or his humanity in that scene. I saw him realizing that his core, that who he is, exists no matter what name he goes by. I didn't see him choosing one side or splitting himself in two. He was transcendent in that moment and I liked it.
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