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Old 01-15-2011, 03:14 AM
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I think it is Blake. Maybe the glasses are a way to give him more 'character depth'??? The shot of him smirking at the threshold seems to be immediately after the scene of Alicia walking in.

I love the way Alicia asks Will about the background check. No deference there, in tone or body language. She's good most of the time but it amuses me how that goes out the window when her emotions get involved. I'm also not getting any hints of anger or tension between them. Will seems genuinely surprised and not pleased about finding out about the background check. I'm assuming Bond ordered it. I think he knows that would put Will's back up and wouldn't please him so I wonder what his motives are.
Very similar to the time she went to confront him about taking her off the Broussard homicide in Bang. But I doubt she would be so upfront if it were Diane instead of Will. And I didn't see any tension either. In fact, if Diane's plans are out in the open I would have expected Alicia to be a bit more circumspect in approaching Will unless they have cleared things out already. This seems to me like she's angry with him, and not the other way around and he seems apologetic. If they haven't talked yet, I would expect Alicia to be feeling a little more unsure and maybe a bit guilty around Will now that she knows he knows. Here she seems righteously angry.

And I think that is Bond's room from Bad Girls where he is doing the peer reviews and Breaking Fast. Alicia sees knows it is not Bond but someone else (Blake ??) sitting there through the glass before storming in.
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