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Old 01-13-2011, 02:06 PM
Master Fan

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X-Files Discussion - If David and Gillian were to reunite on TV...

If David and Gillian were to reunite on TV how would you like it to happen?

Would you like Gillian to guest star on Californication? And if so what kind of role should she have?

Would you like them to appear together as a couple on shows with a similar relationship dynamic as theirs, something like Castle or Bones?

Would you like to see them play up their X-Files past by appearing as agents on Warehouse 13 or Fringe? Either seriously or a bit tongue in cheek.

Would you like to see them together on a sitcom like How I Met Your Mother? Either as characters or as themselves? If they were playing themselves perhaps the guys from Big Bang Theory could run into them and go fanboy crazy.

Perhaps a return to the Simpsons?

Or any other ideas you may have?

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