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Old 07-05-2005, 09:50 PM
Master Fan

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Joined: Sep 2001
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Bea - Oh god...July 16th. Lemme tell you something rather personal: I keep seeing this red flash sign, saying "RUN, RUN, RUN!!!". Bet you already know why, don't you? Argh! How'd this happen?! After D/Jo I swore to never emotionally invest in another couple ever again! Well, congrats, because I already love Harry and Hermione as much as D/Jo. Yay me! And now there's no turning back. It's like I need JK to reassure me that two people who are so right for each other DO end up together, thanks to Kevbo, stupid hack that he is. Bea, next time I start telling you about a couple, do me a favor: grab my feet, drag me into some room, lock up and throw away the keys. Why does shipping have to be so much fun?
"If Leonard and Penny didn't end up together, I would cry like it was my own break up.
I don't think I could handle it. I would cry my eyes out. I would die. Whatever path these
two choose, I want them to end up together. I really want them to end up married, I really do.
That's my dream for these characters."
- Kaley Cuoco
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