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Old 07-05-2005, 09:37 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 112
That scene you posted happened to me exactly like that.. well certain things were different, but it was my birthday the next day, I danced with my best friend, not to that song.. but to another and I got my kiss after 17 years of friendship.. other things happened but I won't mention it here. But still at least he answered her on everything, my thing was that my friend was jsut drunk and wanted to be with someone and since I was there that's what he got.. not the most perfect night if you ask me.. and yet we still haven't talked about it and its been a year already. Now he's pissed because I didn't want to spend this birthday(which was over hte weekend) with him and ****. Can you blame me?
"Do I smile because we're best friends or cry because that is all it will ever be??"
"I've been waiting all night for this to happen, and it happens with YOU!!!"
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